
Lemon Meringue Margarita 🍋

The perfect sweet treat for the upcoming Easter long weekend, a Lemon Meringue Margarita is all things sweet, sour, zesty and fresh!  

Grab a bottle of The Classic Margarita Mix, your fave tequila and triple sec, and hop to it! 


(makes 2)

~ 200ml The Classic Margarita Mix
~ 60ml desired tequila
~ 30ml triple sec
~ Zest of 1-2 Lemons 
~ Sea salt flakes | garnish
~ A handful of Mini Meringues | crushed
~ Ice


1. Combine your sea salt flakes with the zest of 1-2 lemons.

2. Crush a handful of mini meringues, then add to salt & zest mix.

3. Add 60ml of Tequila, 30ml of Triple Sec, and 190ml of The Classic Margarita Mix to your shaker, along with a scoop of ice.

4. Splash a small amount of Marg Mix into a saucer and dip the rim of your glass. Coat the rim with the crushed meringue salt mix, and fill the glasses with ice.

5. Shake, and strain into glasses.

6. Garnish with a mini meringue on top and enjoy!